Why Are We Here? ~ SOL#2019~ Day 1


Here we are. Again.

But why? Our days are full. Our plates are full. Our minds are full. Adding one more thing feels impossible.

After spending an hour reading the posts of others who have committed 31 days of their writing lives to share with the world, it was evident as to what brings us here.

Some writing friends feel the nudge through the energy of others, feeling a pull to connect with like-minded-teacher-writer-soul-sisters. We work in places where perhaps others do not write or wish to write, nor do they understand why in the world we would WANT to write. We are all writers here. Join in and hold hands. High five!

Some writing friends are carrying pain, dreariness and are walking through sludge at this time of year. Whether they or a loved one is going through difficult times, or maybe  just feeling the pressures and stress of our vocation that March brings, we know someone here will understand and lift us up. There is connection here. If a writer is hurting, we all open up and feel her heart. Grab a tissue because tears will be shed.

Some writing friends have been asleep at the wheel. Attuned to the spin cycle in the mind and neglecting the gifts the world puts before us. A sharpened writing mind takes us out of our craziness and into the present. We crave this awareness of the world – of others – and the wonder of living as a human. This sense of awe is what keeps us alive and brings bliss to our souls.

Some writing friends have not been writing and wish for a cultivated habit of coming to the page each day. They realize they have not been story-catching the moments of their existence. Fear sets in. How will anyone know we were ever here on this planet without the snippets of a life well-lived left behind? A SOL challenge will get that stuff down.

For me, it’s all of this. Connection. Well-being. Community. Awareness. Story-catching.

But, mostly, it’s because of the mystery of not knowing where I’ll end up. Each writing journey starts with a line and ends up somewhere else. It’s like a present I give myself each day. A good writing friend once told me it’s the surprise in the next line that becomes the writer’s addiction.  Or, maybe that was Donald Murray. 🙂

And,the best part? Writing is free.

Words are free! All of them! Even the long ones!

Not the notebooks, though. . . and the pens. . . and the books. . . and the cookies I need to eat to keep me writing. . .

But the words? Yeah. They’re free.

Why would anyone NOT want to write?

Shari 🙂

I’m participating in twowritingteachers March 2019 Slice of Life Challenge of writing a blog post every day for the month of March. 🙂




5 thoughts on “Why Are We Here? ~ SOL#2019~ Day 1

  1. Oh, my gosh, Shari…I love your writing. Your words are gorgeous. I love them all but here are some of my favorites…

    “Some writing friends feel the nudge through the energy of others, feeling a pull to connect with like-minded-teacher-writer-soul-sisters.”

    “Some writing friends are carrying pain, dreariness and are walking through sludge at this time of year.”

    “Attuned to the spin cycle in the mind and neglecting the gifts the world puts before us.”

    I haven’t really written for two-ish years. I feel rusty, inadequate, a bit fearful. But I know how I feel about words and I miss the sweat and frustration and sheer joy when I finally walk out of the messiness.

    I have bookmarked your blog and will visit it frequently. Thanks for gifting us with your words.


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  2. I’ve missed you! This post gave me such pleasure to read. First I thought I was the writing friend who’s been asleep at the wheel, LOL, and then I decided I’m one who wishes for that cultivated habit that I’ve moved away from over the past couple of months. And your description of what keeps us writing–the surprise of the next line. I love that. So glad to be taking this journey with you again!

    Liked by 1 person

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