An Artist Date Discovery

My word of the year is whispering to me everywhere I go.  I chose the word “courage” this year, as I have quite a few goals I intend to reach, but I need an extra double shot of “courage” to put myself out there.  You can read my post about this here.

So, in an effort to work through my fears, I joined the Life Book 2013 group. Last week, I began to work on my first art journal page assignment from Tam.  Our assignment was to create our own fairy art mother who chases away our inner critics in order for us to create with freedom.  Our fairy art mother would shoo away  that nasty voice we hear about our work not being good enough.

Here is my fairy art mother:


I even added a sword!  I don’t know why, but I guess I was thinking that those wretched voices are like dragons and I could ward them off with a sword.  Crazy.

I’m also rereading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and this caused me to join a fabulous face book group of ladies who are also reading the book.  We are sharing our artist date experiences and I am so inspired by the experiences I read.  

So, today I decided to take myself out on my artist date.  Restock the well.  Explore.  Open up all my senses.  I decided to do some browsing in an old used bookstore we have downtown.  It’s actually more like a used “everything” store, but it started out with just books.

I walk in the door and right there I see her.  On a tall glass shelf at eye level.  Looking at me.  I am drawn to her and my mouth drops.

It’s her.

My fairy art mother.

As a statue.


She even had the sword.

I snatched her up and felt like I’d discovered gold.  A giddiness inside was just bubbling.  My mind was on monkey overdrive.

“What did this mean?”

” How could this be?”

“Holy Crap.”

I paid 5.00 for her at the till.  (Well, not right away really.  I browsed the entire store and also found an armful of books at a dollar each.) The clerk gently wrapped her in newspaper and told me to carry the bag carefully.

All I could think was, “Seriously?  Don’t worry, lady.”

Back home, I googled the statue’s significance and here is what I found:

“Faerie Guardians of the Glen II are defending our earth and protecting its inhabitants. Although fearless strong and heroic these faeries still personify a timeless beauty that make the Faerie Glen collection so unique.”

Defending our earth and it’s inhabitants.  A protector she is.

And then, I realized. . . this faerie guardian is within me.

Not only am I the protector of my artist self, but I am also the protector of much more than that.  I am responsible for the protection of my health, my dreams, my goals, in my beliefs and passions.  No one is responsible for all of this but me.  It’s my duty to hold myself accountable to it all and protect the “me” that is to be.

Whatever evolves will evolve and it will be good.  As long and I am courageous and can draw my sword when that inner voice starts whining, or criticizing, or worse.

I have a fairy art mother and a faerie guardian now.

There is no stopping me.

I have swords.

Shari 🙂

Word of the Year. . . Courage


I’ve been struggling over the last few weeks trying to nail down what my “word of the year” for 2013 will be.  I think too much about it, of course.  I should just go with my intuition and grab what comes to mind first.  But, then I think, “No.  This word is a big deal.  It guides my decisions for the entire year.”  It deserves some attention and contemplation.

I’ve been choosing a “word of the year” for the last 3-4 years.  Trading in the resolutions for a single word was something I learned from Christine Kane.  She now even has a free download to help you discover what your might want your word to be.  Check out her toolbox here.

Last year, my word was “create”.  And, “create” I did.  I created a lot of things I didn’t finish.  Story of my life. You know how you have that stab of inspiration?  That high of motivation?  And, you fly with it without even stopping for air?

And then, you run into a wall.

Sometimes that wall is boredom.

More likely though, the wall is fear.

Fear of the wicked voices in your head saying, “Who do you think you are?”

So, I stop.  Move on to something else.  Something I am more capable of.  Like Pinterest or something.  Something safe.  I mean, you can’t mess up on Pinterest.

Well, this year, I’m fighting that voice.  I’m standing up to the old hag in order to finish the things I’ve started.  I’m casting my sword and shouting, “Stand aside oh wicked one!  Here I come!”

If I can push the wickedness aside, I should be able to:

*reshape and resubmit my book proposal to another publisher

*sign up for that art retreat I really want to go to in California

*write and submit some articles for magazines

*open an Etsy shop

*get my body into prime shape (the wickedness has been telling me that I’m old and can’t do what I used to do – dang her)

*say what I need to say (the wickedness says to just be quiet)

*finish the writing e-course I created and actually get it out there!

This is only the beginning!  With courage by my side, amazing things can happen.

If you had courage for this upcoming year, what would you do?

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~E.E. Cummings