Adding fun to washing dishes SOL #6/31

I put off washing dishes until things get out of hand.

“You should fix the dishwasher”, my kids tell me when they come home to visit, but I really don’t mind washing dishes by hand. Until they get out of hand.

It helps if I have some #funterventions for this task. I know – dishwashing COULD be a meditative completely present act. But, when you are scrubbing pans you should have soaked three nights ago, my peace and calm seems to disappear. Distraction works better than being present, in this case anyway.

Usually, it’s important to turn on some dance music so my Spotify Dance Playlist gets its workout. Or, if I’ve got some podcasts in the que, dishwashing is the perfect time to take in some learning.

Or, I pay extra attention to the woods outside the kitchen window and see if I can spot deer hiding amongst the trees – playing I Spy.

But, I have the most fun when I play the Dish Tower Game.

The object of the game is to see how many dishes I can maneuver into the dish drainer and how high I stack them before one falls off. You have to be careful to save the plastic dishes for the toppers. This game has produced a broken dish or two.

You’d be surprised how excited you get when placing those highest dishes at the top and they don’t fall. It’s obvious evidence of your brilliance, if nothing else but your dish stacking sky high towers genius.

I’m thinking about ways to score these towers, to keep track of my best work. Number of dishes? Measure the height? I don’t know – this would probably take the buzz out of the fun if things became to technical and I tossed in rules and regulations.

Maybe someone else can think of possible variations in this dishwashing game, just to mix things up, for when the game loses it’s magic.

Or, perhaps I could just get my husband to fix the dishwasher.

I’m doing the 31 Day March Slice of Life over at Two Writing Teachers along with many other fabulous teacher-writers and others who just wish to challenge themselves to 31 days of writing and sharing with the world. If you’d like to read a few lovely posts from others, head over to today’s entries!

One thought on “Adding fun to washing dishes SOL #6/31

  1. I am giggling because when Jonathan does the dishes he is uber insistant that there are “walls.” I am reminded of this every time I walk into the kitchen and his tower stands proudly. He sets up his China by recreating the Wall, constructed by four plates on all sides. This ensures a solid structure with a good base for optimal stacking/building. He laughed when I shared your post and stated, “smart lady.” I really like this game…utterly amusing. 🙂


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